Top 10 Largest Earthquakes Since 1900

Here is the list of most largest earthquake's from last century since 1900.  Most and dangerous and lethal earthquake was 8.0 magnitude in China's Shanxi in 1556 is a historical quake and more than 830,000 were killed. As per  United States Geological Survey’s, (USGS)  earthquake is a sudden slips fault in earth and that may cause shaking and seismic energy caused by slips.

List of Largest Earthquakes

1. Valdivia, Chile,                                                            May 22, 1960:   magnitude 9.5
2. Prince William Sound, Alaska.                                    March 28, 1964:  magnitude 9.2
3. The west coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia,         December 26, 2004: magnitude 9.1
4. Kamchatka, Russia,                                                     November 5, 1952: magnitude 9.0
5. Off the coast of Ecuador,                                             January 31, 1906: magnitude 8.8
6. Rat Islands, Alaska,                                                     February 4, 1965: magnitude 8.7
7. Northern Sumatra, Indonesia,                                     March 28, 2005: magnitude 8.7
8. Assam, Tibet,                                                              August 15, 1950: magnitude 8.6
9. Andreanof Islands Alaska,                                          March 9, 1957: magnitude 8.6
10. Southern Sumatra, Indonesia,                                 September 12, 2007: magnitude 8.5

Below list was  updated on march 2011 and provided by the United States Geological Survey’s Earthquake Hazards Program.

largest earthquake list

largest earthquake locations

Earthquake Facts - Seismically Active Regions and Country.